Here’s What President Aoun Eats In A Typical Day

Image for Here’s What President Aoun Eats In A Typical Day

Pictured: Aoun meeting his idol, Ke$ha. Credit: Pink Freud

When returning to classes each fall, we all often struggle with getting back into a routine and planning better eating habits. This year, we sat down with Aoun himself to get to know his back-to-school diet a little better and inspire students to find their own routine. However, to give the students a first look into our President's nourishment regimen, I decided to eat like Aoun for the day. Here’s how it went: 

Aoun reports that he starts his days at 4:45 AM, walking up (in his luxury penthouse) to the hustle and bustle of Back Bay just like the rest of us. He shared that he always skips breakfast and heads straight to campus, but before he leaves, he always brushes his teeth with a bottle of Jack. I had a rough start to this routine as I woke up at 7 with Covid for the third time this year. Nevertheless, I got myself out of bed to brush my teeth, sourced a bottle of Jack Daniels, and got back into bed. My breakfast experience was refreshing and satisfying, and I applaud Aoun on this hack. 

By noon, I was just about ready for another nap, but I forced myself up to complete Aoun's lunchtime routine. He shared with us that for lunch, he enjoys cosplaying as a poor college student by preparing a bowl of instant ramen. It allows him to connect with his pupils and quickly return to work so that he can go on his afternoon stroll around campus, masked up of course. So, I nuked up some Maruchan (already in my pantry), and enjoyed the same lunch I had every other day. Then I attempted the same campus stroll,but ran out of breath 5 feet from my dorm and returned inside. 

Aoun reports that he does not have time to snack throughout the day because he is so busy with all the 'work' on his agenda. I would typically not be ok with this plan, but since I was napping all afternoon, it worked out for me. 8 PM marks dinner time, when Aoun returns home to a freshly cooked steak wrapped in gold with a side of mashed potatoes. This meal was the hardest to recreate, but I ended up DoorDashing a steak sandwich from Cappy's. This meal was tough to keep down, but by far the most filling and nutritious of the day. 

Finally, Aoun shared that he returns to work in his home office and finishes the day with a midnight snack of Takis and Mountain Dew. I was asleep at this time, so I did not get to complete this snack, but it sounds delicious! All in all, my experience eating like Aoun for the day was horrendous and unpleasant. I hope his health is ok because mine surely is not. 


last year

Aoun and I have the same morning routine. I also brush my teeth with a bottle of jack every morning, and rinse my toothpaste is orange flavored ! Celebrities truly are just like us

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